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Umonium38® Probes Wipes

Umonium38® Probes Wipes

High-Level Disinfectant Wipes for Ultrasound Probes

Safe, non-toxic method of disinfecting Ultrasound Probes which uses fine-chemistry with a patented compound to achieve Broad-Spectrum High-Level Disinfection in just 5 seconds.

Approved by Ultrasound Manufacturers as a Fully Traceable, Environmentally-Friendly method of Ultrasound Disinfection.

Product Details Review:

  • Environmentally-Friendly
  • Realistic Contact Time: only 5 Seconds to High-Level Disinfection
  • MEA & HSSA tested to prove non-toxic in the most sensitive environments 
  • CE Marked, Class IIb Medical Device
  • Regulatory Compliant, achieving the highest level of EU Norms for Microbicidal Activity
  • Proven to be effective even in the presence of interference, killing bacteria, spores, fungus and viruses such as HPV
  • All-in-One Tub: no extra machinery or materials such as foaming pumps required
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